Sourav Joshi Vlogs Wikipedia: Facts About the Vlogger Who Uses YouTube As His Platform

Friends, if you watch YouTube videos and you prefer to look at to a person Vlogs sourav joshi vlogs. therefore you too should have detected the name of Sourav Joshi Vlogs and should have seen his videos yet. Sourav joshi vlogs is turning into terribly known nowadays because of his vlog

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Sourav makes videos associated with his standard of living that area unit being popular with the individuals. therefore nowadays during this article, we are going to learn from the medium of Sourav Joshi life story. however Sourav joshi vlogs started creating vlogs and have become such a giant vlogger nowadays.

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Sourav Joshi Vlogs Wiki

Sourav joshi vlogs (real name: Sourav Pratap Dave) was born in the year 1996 in London, England. His father, Pratap Dave, is a director of an advertising firm. As a child, Sourav studied in local schools in London and loves to play cricket and football. He also loves to dance.

Sourav joshi vlogs appeared in the British reality TV show, MasterChef in the year 2011. He was one of the very few contestants to be in the final 18. Since then, he has become popular in England for his extraordinary talent in the field of cooking. Sourav Joshi is also very passionate about music and has mastered the skills of playing the guitar, piano and flute.

Sourav joshi vlogs also got his high school degree at the age of 15 and got a job in the year 2012.

How and When Did Sourav joshi Start Vlogging?

When Sourav joshi vlogs was a 15-year-old, his friends made a short video on YouTube on him and him. Later, Sourav started making videos on a daily basis. Sourav started to upload his own videos to his YouTube channel. So, it is really amazing that how he became so popular in such a short time.

Sourav Joshi’s Personal Life

Who is Sourav Joshi Vlogs Wikipedia How much does Sourav Joshi earn?

He is a 22-year-old Vlogger and has gained a huge following on his YouTube channel. He lives in Kolkata with his family and studies in London. He loves to travel, dance, play games and other things.

Sourav Joshi’s Famous Vlogs

His known famous Vlogs are as follows:

1. Bollywood Style!

2. Football Pann!

3. Karaoke World Cup

4. Relationship of friendship between a boy and a girl

5.Aadhar Protection

6. Musical night with Jojo Malala

7. Memory of Past

Why Does He Use YouTube As His Platform?

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Well the popularity of Youtube and the millions of people who watch videos is definitely one of the reasons behind Sourav Joshi’s success today. Today, we see people making lots of money out of Youtube. But Sourav Joshi is one of the rare few who has made his money by just making Vlogs. Many people make money from YouTube from infusing of Sourav joshi vlogs and some people like Sourav Joshi are making big bucks from YouTube. The real reason behind Sourav joshi vlogs success is probably due to the popularity of Youtube.

How Has His Work Been Successful?

Sourav Joshi has always made sure to not have less than 50 subscribers. Most of the videos that Sourav Joshi has made have been very successful and have been liked by millions.

What Is The Significance Of The Name “SKLLYX” In His Videos?

The Sourav joshi vlogs is a fashion and culture lover. His hobby is the editing part of his videos where he likes to edit the videos and put them on YouTube. That is why he writes on the videos “skylex with Sourav”. If you have watched one of his videos, you will know how much much care he is taking with his vlog.

Why Is The Sourav Joshi The Most Popular Video Blogger On YouTube?

Sourav Joshi’s beauty is that he makes videos where he talks about fashion, food, the life of people and so much more. He uses music for his vlogs. Sourav Joshi’s collection is for everyone and not limited to one type of person. His videos are also very funny, fun, and sexy too.

Sourav Joshi Videos- A Look Back At His Past.

Sourav Joshi made his first video which was about his hair removal. But he didn’t have any idea that it would become so famous in the future. There was a gentleman in his neighborhood who is the owner of a hair salon and his shop is very famous across the city.

He had gone to his salon to get a haircut and got to know that there was a new guy working at the shop and he was a professional man. So he immediately asked Sourav to come to his salon so that he can get a haircut as well. So Sourav was very happy to go to his salon as he knew that he will be able to get a perfect hair cut there.

So the next day when Sourav had finished working in his office and when he was going to his salon, he was shocked to know that there was no one at his shop.

Name Sourav Joshi
Birth 8 September 1999  
Age 21 years 
The business Youtober  
Education 10th , 12th, BFA (Bachler of Fine Art)     
birth place Uttarakhand, India  
the nationality Indian 
religion Hindu 
original residence Uttarakhand, Dehradun  


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Sourav Joshi is based out of New Delhi. He began his YouTube channel under the name of SouravJoshi on March 10, 2009. But it was in 2013 when he released his first Vlog (short video clips) which was rather a bold video. The video was based on the question of the American comedian Lewis Black about his opinions about the increasing use of drugs, drinking and smoking in the country. The video was titled as In the Name of Drug Abuse.

The video went viral and eventually, he got a lot of likes and a lot of followers started following his videos. On that day, he got 2000 subscribers, on which, he became really happy and proud. He started working hard, and got more and more subscribers.

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3 responses to “Sourav Joshi Vlogs Wikipedia: Facts About the Vlogger Who Uses YouTube As His Platform”

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  2. […] Sourav Joshi Vlogs Wikipedia: Facts About the Vlogger Who Uses YouTube As His Platform […]